We appreciate that your browser hung out with us for so long, but your session has expired! If you want to register, we need to refresh your connection. We limit session time to 30 minutes for your security and to free up unused registration slots for others.
Your session on this page has expired. We expire your session to protect your information in case you sit on a page too long with no activity.
2025 Marital and Family Law Review Course
Please sign in to access your itinerary, materials and links to all your sessions.
Something really strange has happened with your browser. It basically does not know who you are! The good news is that this can usually be fixed by returning you to the event and having you begin the process again. Make sure you are logged in.
If this happens repeatedly, use the LIVE CHAT feature to let us know. We can fix the issue for you.
YIKES! You have lost your session or your browser has failed to retain the event you were looking at. You will be returned to the home page to begin again. Sorry about this but to complete your processes, we have to know who you are. If you are using an older browser, this might be the cause.
If this happens repeatedly, use the LIVE CHAT feature to let us know. We can fix the issue for you.
I would like to register . . .
You are already registered for this event! To view your events,
sign into the site and click your name in the upper right.
You cannot register as a guest of yourself.
The host under which you are attempting to register is no longer registered for this event
If you have questions or need assistance: Contact: Review Course Registration
Phone: 877-892-7336
Email: familylawreviewcourse@mcraemeetings.com
Please select your registration type using the drop-down arrow at right.
For attorneys who have been practicing LESS THAN 5 YEARS. Must include the year you were admitted to the Florida Bar.
Those qualifying for a partial fee waiver discount include ONLY Supreme Court, DCA, Circuit and County Judges, Magistrates, Judges of Compensation Claims, Administrative Law Judges, and full-time legal aid attorneys if directly related to their client practice.(We reserve the right to verify employment).
Florida registered paralegals, ull-time law college faculty, or full-time law students only.
If you do not qualify for the other profile categories then you MUST choose the Non-Member registration option.
Make changes to your equipment as needed and then click the RESUME REGISTRATION button to continue the registration process.