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Are You Ready to Go Grade-Less?
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Every time I had to do report cards I felt frustration bordering on anger. How was I supposed to communicate learning with one grade without making every student‘s learning seem the same? Averaged scores say very little about actual learning: Any number of students can earn a B for many different combinations of reasons. A gifted student who does little work may receive the same grade as a struggling student who has improved steadily throughout the course or a student who started off strongly but performed poorly in the last quarter. Unfortunately, in high school a single number or letter grade on a report card is supposed to communicate a great deal of important information.
Learners will:
Explore their current beliefs around grading and assessment
Consider alternatives to traditional methods to communicate learning
Learn ways to rebrand their assignments
Develop a means to increase student partnerships
Learn how reflection and self-assessment can improve instruction and deeper learning
Develop a portfolio system that will aid in showing student progress
Individual Registration: $250.00
Team Registration: $3,960.00 *Includes 25 registrants
Attendee Registration
We are sorry you cannot make it, but if your plans change, please use the button in the email you received to return here and register.