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This conference is now over. We enjoyed learning with you.
The conference program is still available so you can view the recordings.
Program at a Glance || Join Us in Support
We hope you enjoyed this year's conference and found it meaningful.
Recordings of the conference plenaries and workshops are now available!
We want to hear from you. Your experience matters to us as we plan the next conference.
Post-Conference discussion groups and other events are being listed as a "conference session" after the very last conference session in the program click the green bar at the top of this page to view the program and scroll to the end of Wednesday to view these offerings.
We hope you were re-inspired, re-enthused, and re-energized by the amazing teachers and folks who attended this conference.
Kavod v'Nichum is committed to including people of all gender identities/expressions, sexual orientations, physical/developmental abilities, races, and Jewish experiences. We hope that you'll join us in creating brave spaces where all Jews feel welcome, seen and valued.
By the way, we are on the move !
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Thank you to our generous sponsors