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2021 Fall Training Conference

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Primary Contact:
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Event Coordinator:
Charity Haring
Email | 9072310552


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2021 Fall Training Conference
2021 Fall Training Conference
zzz Alaska Primary Care Association CONFERENCE
Mon, November 01, 2021 @ 08:30 AM — Thu, November 04, 2021 @ 12:00 PM (AKDT)
Event Banner

"Adapting, Achieving, and Advancing - Stronger than Before"

Fall Theme:

Harvesting Our Own -

Taking Stock and Looking Forward

With the fourth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic hitting harder than expected, we are transitioning our 2021 Fall Training Conference to a virtual environment. The good news is - there is no need to worry about airfare or accommodations!

All content will be made available as the event happens and on demand for 6 months so you can watch every session you are registered for.



APCA is pleased to announce the following:

Strategic & Crisis Communication: Controlling your message in any situation

Laura Oates - C&L Communications

A well-planned communications strategy can change the trajectory of your organization and protect your team. In today’s world of instant headlines fueled by social media, there often isn’t a lot of time to react and respond. Being ready to craft and execute a message to all of your audiences is not only critical to your organization’s reputation, it can also be imperative. For many in healthcare, timely information can be life-saving. In this presentation we will talk about creating, controlling and being intentional with your communications. That means understanding when and where to share your information and finally how to confidently execute a communications plan for any scenario that presents itself to your organization.

HRSA, Bureau of Primary Health Care (BPHC) Update and Roundtable

The Bureau Primary Health Care is “REACH”ing for the future. Reaching for Excellence Advancing Community Health (REACH) is the name of the initiative to reorganize BPHC to identify and test new ways to accomplish the mission; reduce effort by staff & health centers; and improve the use of resources and tools. Suma Nair, Angela Powell, Ernia Hughes, and Jennifer Joseph will share this new model with us and help us understand the impact of the changes on health centers. There will be some time for Alaska Health Centers to ask questions about their work with BPHC during the pandemic, specific programs and projects, and future endeavors.

Fearless Positivity: Mastering Mindset in the Midst of Change

Amy Blankson, CEO - Fearless Positivity

We all face fear, discomfort, and resistance to change, but our actions in the midst of these mindsets are what truly define us. Fearless positivity is not the absence of fear, but the audacious opportunity to move through it by focusing on what matters most. In this talk, you'll learn actionable, research-based ideas for reframing stress, optimizing your mindset, and creating a more positive team culture. 

Registration: Closed
Event Dates
8:30 AM to 12:00 PM (AKDT)

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Registration Closes
November 04, 2021 @ 1:00 pm
Featured Speakers
Photo of Elena Shawback
Elena Shawback
CFO, Mat-su Health Services


Selection Options
US Dollar
Registration Options
APCA Member/FQHC Organizational Flat Rate
APCA Member/FQHC Organizational Flat Rate
$ 1,000.00 

The FQHC Organization Flat Rate rate allows an unlimited number of your staff to register for any of our virtual conference sessions. You can select sessions you wish to attend with this registration form. After your flat rate payment is verified, a free registration link will be sent to you to be shared with your staff.

Individual Registration
Individual Registration
$ 550.00 

Individual registration allows one person to attend any/all of our virtual sessions.

APCA Non-Member/Non-FQHC Registration
APCA Non-Member/Non-FQHC Registration
$ 1,500.00 

Flat rate registration for APCA Non-Member and Non-FQHC Organizations. Includes access for an unlimited number of organization staff to attend the entire conference. After your flat rate payment is verified, a free registration link will be sent to you to be shared with your staff.

AHEC Student Registration
AHEC Student Registration

Registration for AHEC students approved to attend the 2021 Spring Training.

Uniform Data System (UDS) Training
Uniform Data System (UDS) Training
Monday Nov 01, 2021 @  08:00:AM  —  04:30:PM AKDT

Annual State-Based 2021 Uniform Data System (UDS) Training

  • Gain an understanding of reporting the UDS including: the patient profile, reporting clinical services and quality of care indicators, operation and financial tables, and other required UDS reporting forms.
  • Learn about the new requirements included in 2021 training.
  • Learn tips for success including strategies for submission.
  • Receive valuable resources that provide further reporting guidance.
Introduction and Keynote Speakers
Introduction and Keynote Speakers
Tuesday Nov 02, 2021 @  08:30:AM  —  12:00:PM AKDT

8:30am - 8:45am

Welcome to 2021 Virtual APCA Fall Conference: Taking Stock & Moving Forward

Nancy Merriman, APCA

8:45am - 9:45am

Strategic & Crisis Communication: Controlling your message in any situation

A well-planned communications strategy can change the trajectory of your organization and protect your team. In today’s world of instant headlines fueled by social media, there often isn’t a lot of time to react and respond. Being ready to craft and execute a message to all of your audiences is not only critical to your organization’s reputation, it can also be imperative. For many in healthcare, timely information can be life-saving. In this presentation we will talk about creating, controlling and being intentional with your communications. That means understanding when and where to share your information and finally how to confidently execute a communications plan for any scenario that presents itself to your organization.

Laura Oates, C&L Communications

9:45am - 10:00am


10:00am - 10:45am

HRSA, Bureau of Primary Health Care (BPHC) Update

The Bureau Primary Health Care is “REACH”ing for the future. Reaching for Excellence Advancing Community Health (REACH) is the name of the initiative to reorganize BPHC to identify and test new ways to accomplish the mission; reduce effort by staff & health centers; and improve the use of resources and tools. Suma Nair, Angela Powell, Ernia Hughes, and Jennifer Joseph will share this new model with us and help us understand the impact of the changes on health centers. There will be some time for Alaska Health Centers to ask questions about their work with BPHC during the pandemic, specific programs and projects, and future endeavors.

Suma Nair, PhD, MS, RD, Director - Office of Quality Improvement, BPHC, HRSA

Ernia Hughes, MBA, Director - Office of Health Center Investment Oversight, BPHC, HRSA

Angela Powell, MPH, CPH, Director - Office of Health Center Program Monitoring, BPHC, HRSA

Jennifer Joseph, MPH, CPH, Director - Office of Policy and Program Development, BPHC, HRSA

10:45am - 12:00pm

Fearless Positivity: Managing Mindset in the Midst of Change

Amy Blankson, CEO - Fearless Positivity

New Initiatives in Whole Person Care - From the Quadruple Aim to Whole Pers …
New Initiatives in Whole Person Care - From the Quadruple Aim to Whole Pers …
Tuesday Nov 02, 2021 @  01:00:PM  —  02:00:PM AKDT

New Initiatives in Whole Person Care - From the Quadruple Aim to Whole Person Care, Value, and Integration. Presenters include APCA and Alaska Behavioral Health Association staff.

Message From the Primary Care Office
Message From the Primary Care Office
Tuesday Nov 02, 2021 @  02:00:PM  —  02:30:PM AKDT

Join us for some exciting and positive news we have to share with you!

Integrating CHWs Into Your Care Team
Integrating CHWs Into Your Care Team
Tuesday Nov 02, 2021 @  02:30:PM  —  04:00:PM AKDT

Community health workers (CHWs) are an essential component of the health center workforce. This session will identify why these challenges exist and highlight actionable strategies for effectively integrating CHWs into care teams, care management plans, and COVID-19/emergency response teams.

This session will also include the APCA Annual Awards, Quality Awards & APCA Officer Elections!

Data Summit - Day 1 of 2
Data Summit - Day 1 of 2
Wednesday Nov 03, 2021 @  09:00:AM  —  12:00:PM AKDT

Join your Quality Improvement Peers for sessions that will focus on making good decisions with data. Presented by Dr. Robert Lloyd, these interactive sessions will provide insights on:

•      The context for quality measurement

•      Understanding why you are measuring

•      Navigating the milestones in the quality measurement journey

•      Building your QI Toolbox

•      Organizing indicators into a strategic dashboard

•      Building capacity and capability for improvement

When you select this, you also get (at no additional charge):
  • Data Summit - Day 2 of 2
Finance Summit - Day 1 of 2
Finance Summit - Day 1 of 2
Wednesday Nov 03, 2021 @  09:00:AM  —  12:00:PM AKDT

Join your peers from across the state to come together for the APCA’s semi-annual Finance Summit.

Day 1 agenda includes:


Welcome and Introductions

9:15 – 10:15

Peer discussion facilitated by Elena Shawback, CFO at Mat-Su Health Services. Hot topics will be addressed. Please be prepared to also bring your own questions and add to the discussion.


Experts from CliftonLarsonAllen will present information on preparing for Financial and OIG audits of your COVID-related funding


Open Discussion

When you select this, you also get (at no additional charge):
  • Finance Summit - Day 2 of 2
340B - Compliance and Preparing for Audits
340B - Compliance and Preparing for Audits
Wednesday Nov 03, 2021 @  01:00:PM  —  01:45:PM AKDT

Due to considerable growth and an intensifying lobbying effort, the 340B program is now facing unprecedented scrutiny with a focus on reducing the size and scope of the program. In the ever changing 340B landscape, it has become more difficult for covered entities to manage the 340B Program and use savings to care for patients. This session will provide you with the critical information you need to comply with the complex and evolving rules and guidelines. Additionally, this session will help entities gain tools needed to operate effective and efficient 340B programs. We will review the current HRSA audit process and provide audit readiness best practices.

HealtheConnect Alaska: Alaska's Health Information Exchange
HealtheConnect Alaska: Alaska's Health Information Exchange
Wednesday Nov 03, 2021 @  02:15:PM  —  03:00:PM AKDT

We are proud to introduce Alaska's HIE (health information exchange) leadership with an overview of our goals and mission. We will be presenting our collaborative project with APCA including a demonstration of the current HIE platform and the options available to APCA members. Our guest speaker Dr. Gene Quinn will share information about the clinically integrated network Envoy and their partnership with Alaska's HIE to improve information sharing, population health and overall care quality and cost. Please join us to provide valuable insight on Alaska's health information exchange needs and to learn more about health information exchange in Alaska today.

Strategic & Comprehensive Workforce Planning
Strategic & Comprehensive Workforce Planning
Wednesday Nov 03, 2021 @  03:15:PM  —  04:45:PM AKDT

Join Thea Agnew from Agnew Beck & APCA staff for 2 mini-sessions on planning. As we continue to evolve and advance through the pandemic, planning for the future has never been more important. Speakers will share perspectives and best practices on organizational and workforce planning.

Data Summit - Day 2 of 2
Data Summit - Day 2 of 2
Thursday Nov 04, 2021 @  09:00:AM  —  12:00:PM AKDT

Join your Quality Improvement Peers for sessions that will focus on making good decisions with data. Presented by Dr. Robert Lloyd, these interactive sessions will provide insights on:

•      The context for quality measurement

•      Understanding why you are measuring

•      Navigating the milestones in the quality measurement journey

•      Building your QI Toolbox

•      Organizing indicators into a strategic dashboard

•      Building capacity and capability for improvement

When you select this, you also get (at no additional charge):
  • Data Summit - Day 1 of 2
Finance Summit - Day 2 of 2
Finance Summit - Day 2 of 2
Thursday Nov 04, 2021 @  08:30:AM  —  12:00:PM AKDT

Join your peers from across the state to come together for the APCA’s semi-annual Finance Summit.

Day 2 agenda includes:


Welcome and Introductions

8:45 – 10:15 

Value Based Payment systems are coming to Alaska. Representatives from Monarch Health Solutions will discuss Transitional Steps to Implementing a Value-Based Care Approach to Care

10:30 – Noon

Various topics relevant to Alaska CHC Finance staff

When you select this, you also get (at no additional charge):
  • Finance Summit - Day 1 of 2
Closing Session
Closing Session
Thursday Nov 04, 2021 @  12:00:PM  —  01:00:PM AKDT

Building Powerful Teams that Truly Transform Primary Care

According to the 2021 National Academy of Medicine landmark report on primary care, “In large part because of chronic underinvestment, primary care in the United States is slowly dying.” The presentation “Building Powerful Teams that Truly Transform Primary Care” makes the argument that primary care clinicians cannot adequately care for the large numbers of patients on their panels, leading to poor patient access and clinician/staff burnout. Due to the primary care clinician shortage, panel size cannot go down. The only way to improve patient access and reduce burnout is for interprofessional teams – including nurses, pharmacists, behaviorists, physical therapists, and medical assistants – to see appropriate patients independently, according to their license and competence, so that clinicians are not caring for their large patient panels alone. Most primary care teams fail to provide this level of assistance. The presentation will discuss what is required of a powerful primary care team.

Dr. Bodenheimer, MD, MPH - Professor, University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine

APCA Lifetime Contribution Awards Presentation

Mary Swain, APCA Board Vice Chair
