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Leading for Quality: Reimagining Leadership in Out-of-School-Time Programs

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Jessica Heiberg
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Leading for Quality: Reimagining Leadership in Out-of-School
Leading for Quality: Reimagining Leadership in Out-of-School
Multiple dates between November 07, 2022 and November 17, 2022
Event Banner

NJSACC, in collaboration with the National Institute on Out-of-School Time, is offering a 4-session leadership training designed for program directors who want to understand promising practices in quality leadership while also reimagining what leadership looks like in programs. Whether you were recently promoted to a leadership role, hired to replace a retiring long-time director, a new program founder, or an experienced director in search of a refresher –– this professional development opportunity is designed for you! Sessions will focus on introducing concepts, tools, and strategies that help program leaders navigate the unique challenges and opportunities encountered in running a program. Come learn from both experts in the out-of-school time field as well as from each other in this exploratory and action-oriented series

Session 1 November 7, 2022: Leading Through a Culture of Shared Practice and Responsibility

Discover how developing a shared program vision is fundamental for meaningful leadership. Use tools to assess where your program practices are currently and where you want to be in the future. Tap into your personal leadership style to recognize your strengths and potential challenges, while cultivating and leveraging the leadership styles of others at your program. 

Session 2 November 10, 2022: From Dreaming to Reality: Your Program and Curricular Design

Whether you’re with a well-established program or a brand-new effort, the “flex” and “flux” of OST programs necessitate periodic reviews of and reflections on program design. Explore ideas for developing a programmatic process and communicating with families, partners, and funders on programmatic plans. 

Session 3 November 14, 2022: Better Together: Sustaining and Collaborating with Your Staff

Focus on issues in recruiting and retaining your OST workforce and approaches for addressing these challenges by hearing from others in the field. Let the proverb “It takes a village to raise a child” be our guiding principle in addressing both staff and youth needs.

Session 4 November 17, 2022: Strategic Partnerships and Engagement toward Equity and Belonging

Explore how Equity and Belonging are key components of developing a shared culture with your youth, families, and partners. Find out why and how both individual and organizational relationships are vital for fostering and maintaining sustainable partnerships, and then learn strategies to encourage both types of relationships at your program.

Each 2-hour session, facilitated by NIOST, will be interactive with some large group and small group time and sharing resources. 

Registration: Closed
Multiple Event Dates Within Range
See registration form for specific dates
Registration Closes
November 04, 2022 @ 5:00 pm
Selection Options
US Dollar
November 7th and 10th
Leading for Quality: Reimagining Leadership in Out-of-School-Time Programs
Leading for Quality: Reimagining Leadership in Out-of-School-Time Programs
$ 125.00 
November 7, 2022
November 7, 2022
Monday Nov 07, 2022 @  10:00:AM  —  12:00:PM EST

Session 1: Leading Through a Culture of Shared Practice and Responsibility

Discover how developing a shared program vision is fundamental for meaningful leadership. Use tools to assess where your program practices are currently and where you want to be in the future. Tap into your personal leadership style to recognize your strengths and potential challenges, while cultivating and leveraging the leadership styles of others at your program. 

November 10, 2022
November 10, 2022
Thursday Nov 10, 2022 @  10:00:AM  —  12:00:PM EST

Session 2: From Dreaming to Reality: Your Program and Curricular Design

Whether you’re with a well-established program or a brand-new effort, the “flex” and “flux” of OST programs necessitate periodic reviews of and reflections on program design. Explore ideas for developing a programmatic process and communicating with families, partners, and funders on programmatic plans. 

November 14th and 17th
November 14, 2022
November 14, 2022
Monday Nov 14, 2022 @  10:00:AM  —  12:00:PM EST

Session 3: Better Together: Sustaining and Collaborating with Your Staff

Collaboration is not only a valuable tool in problem solving, it is also an important indication to staff that their experiences, identities, and ideas are valued. Identify concrete steps you can take to build and sustain a more creative, shared, and engaging workplace culture for everyone on your team, while still getting the day-to-day work done.

November 17, 2022
November 17, 2022
Thursday Nov 17, 2022 @  10:00:AM  —  12:00:PM EST

Session 4: Strategic Partnerships and Engagement toward Equity and Belonging Explore how Equity and Belonging are key components of developing a shared culture with your youth, families, and partners. Find out why and how both individual and organizational relationships are vital for fostering and maintaining sustainable partnerships, and then learn strategies to encourage both types of relationships at your program. 

Attendee Registration