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Carl Duman |
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2023 VA Summit on Behavioral Health
Please join us for the 11th Annual VA Puget Sound Behavioral Health Summit! This year’s slogan is “Creating Safety by Forging Relationships”. This is a capstone event tying together many of Suicide Prevention Awareness Month’s activities and themes. Our focus is showcasing a Public Health approach to Suicide Prevention. This approach strengthens protective factors by enhancing access to mental health services, medical services and housing resources.
This approach hopes to enhance access to tribal resources. It promotes access to ethnic, cultural and spiritual resources. We hope to do this by forging even stronger relationships between the Washington Department of Veteran affairs VA Puget Sound, Tribal communities, community business leaders, not for profit Veteran Support organizations, veterans and families.
Our goal is to heighten a community's understanding of how strengthening protective factors creates a safer environment. Our presenters will share suicide prevention strategies. We hope you are able to participate.
6 CEs
September 29, 2023
8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
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