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DJ Rodkey |
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SD1: Now Online May 18-22, 2020 | SD2: Now Online June 8-12, 2020
Don’t forget to complete your IMF Application and Registration Form after registering.
Daily Online Schedule for Spiritual Direction I: Art of Accompaniment
Monday May 18 to Friday May 22
Monday May 18 through Thursday May 21
Session 1: 11am-12pm EDT
Session 2: 1:30pm-4:30pm EDT (with a break)
Session 3: 6:30pm-7:30pm EDT
Friday May 22
Session 1: 10:30-1pm EDT
*Individual meetings with Fr. Boniface Hicks and/or Fr. Tom Acklin will be possible in the morning before Session 1 or in the evening after Session 3. Sign-ups will be forthcoming.
Daily Online Schedule for Spiritual Direction II: Advanced Topics In Spiritual Direction
Monday June 8 to Friday June 12
Monday June 8 through Thursday June 11
Session 1: 11am-12pm EDT
Session 2: 1:30pm-4:30pm EDT (with a break)
Session 3: 6:30pm-7:30pm EDT
Friday May 22
Session 1: 10:30-1pm EDT
*Individual meetings with Fr. Boniface Hicks and/or Fr. Tom Acklin will be possible in the morning before Session 1 or in the evening after Session 3. Sign-ups will be forthcoming.
Has anyone ever asked you how they could pray better? How they could grow in their relationship with God? How they could be a better Christian? Has anyone ever shared their spiritual struggles and questions with you? These are signs you may be called to accompany others on the spiritual journey.
The need for spiritual direction—or the accompaniment of a spiritual guide—is becoming more prominent in a world where so many are suffering from so many wounds.
As Pope Francis noted, “The Church will have to initiate everyone— priests, religious and laity—into this ‘art of accompaniment’ which teaches us to remove our sandals before the sacred ground of the other (cf. Ex 3:5).” (Evangelii Gaudium #169).
The participants will learn the foundational dynamics of spiritual direction through reading, lectures, and discussions. SD 1 will serve as a foundation for those who wish to continue learning the practice of spiritual direction. It is also a stand-alone course for those who wish to learn the “art of accompaniment”. SD 2 will expand upon what students have learned in SD 1, deepening their experiences on the road to expand their own spiritual enlightenment while teaching them how to assist others traveling the same path.
Application Fee (for-credit—on-line/on campus—non-refundable): $50
Initial Registration Fee (first-time Registration): $50
Level 1 Tuition per credit: $325
Level 2 Tuition per credit: $650
Technology Fee (per semester, less than 9 credits). $87
Initial Technology Fee: $100
*Limited Financial Aid Available: All full-time and part-time students are eligible. IMSD-601 and IMSD602 are each 2 credit courses.
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