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Tom Hove, WDVA |
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Serving Those Who Served | 5th Annual Conference | 2022
'Together Towards Tomorrow'
Thursday, Aug 25 & Friday, Aug 26, 2022
Wenatchee Convention Center
121 N. Wenatchee Ave.
Wenatchee, Washington
This two-day, veterans resource providers’ conference is not only aimed at establishing better collaboration and connection for all those who work with veterans and their families, but it will also provide a wealth of knowledge from industry experts in areas that impact the lives of our veterans and their families.
This conference provides collaboration with professionals from across the state, all while learning new veteran-related information, at no cost to the participant.
This two-day conference will include breakout sessions on Justice Involved Veterans, WDVA Programs, VA Healthcare, Life Cycle of a VA Disability Claim, Suicide Prevention/Suicide Safety, VA Education Benefits, Cemetery & Burial Benefits, PTSD & Traumatic Brain Injury, County Specific Topics - Best Practices/Creating Regional Strategic Partnerships, Helping Vets Succeed in the Workplace and YesVets, Service Animals, Veteran Homelessness & Housing Programs and more.
To learn more about this conference and/or how you can get involved, please email
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