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Virtual FitnessFest Retreat

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Primary Contact:
Gretchen Carter
Email | Alt Email | 480-577-6353

Event Coordinators:
Janice Jaicks
Email | +14805703398

Joanna Ferguson
Email | +16232299466


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Virtual FitnessFest Retreat
Virtual FitnessFest Retreat
Thu, November 03, 2022 @ 04:00 PM — Sat, November 05, 2022 @ 08:00 PM (MST)
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Use the tabs on the menu to the left to view the AGENDA, SPEAKERS, PRICING & DEADLINES and to REGISTER. You can also simply scroll down this page to see all the sessions.

Registration: Closed
Event Dates
4:00 PM to 8:00 PM (MST)

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Registration Closes
November 05, 2022 @ 6:00 pm
Summary Agenda
Thursday, November 03
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM
Could Stress Be Sabotaging Your Health and Wellbeing?-Gabrielle Marie Annett
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM
Mindful Yoga Chair Stretching for Mental & Physical Release-Karla Herbst
6:00 PM to 7:45 PM
Fill Your Cup First: How to Take Care of #1-Daisha Enos
6:00 PM to 7:45 PM
Kick Your Workouts Up to The Next Level with Herbs -Madalyn Johnson & Kathy Gould
Friday, November 04
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM
Fascia Release for the Desk Dweller-Rene Brackney
4:00 PM to 5:45 PM
There’s No “I” in Earth: Eco-Friendly Tips for Everyday Life-Jenny Champ
6:00 PM to 7:45 PM
Toxic Overload: What You Need to Know & How to Start Healing-Stephanie Kreun
6:00 PM to 7:45 PM
SOULfusion Yoga FLOWS-Michele Park & Michelle Lasiter
Saturday, November 05
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM
The Why and How of Fasting-Mindy & Bruce Mylrea
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM
Yoga Nidra for Physical Healing-Donna Lewen
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM
Meditation, Breathing Techniques, & Creating a Spiritual Practice-Luke Jaicks
11:00 AM to 12:45 PM
Sensory-Based Balance Training-Dr. Emily Splichal
1:00 PM to 2:00 PM
Cooking Demo & Lunch-Stephanie Kreun & Janice Jaicks
2:15 PM to 4:00 PM
Barre, Breath, and Body Gratitude-Mariah Secrest-Comer
2:15 PM to 4:00 PM
Revealing Happiness: Journaling & Vision Boarding to Move Toward Your Best Life-Karla Herbst & Jenny Champ
4:00 PM to 4:30 PM
Frequencies for Reflection-Kristi Anderson
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Virtual Retreat Attendee Registration Items
Virtual Retreat Registration
Virtual Retreat Registration
$ 99.00 
Thursday Nov 03, 2022 @  04:00:PM  —  04:30:PM MST

Full Virtual Retreat Conference Registration. Thursday-Saturday.

Thursday, November 3, 4:00pm-5:45pm
Could Stress Be Sabotaging Your Health and Wellbeing?
Could Stress Be Sabotaging Your Health and Wellbeing?
Thursday Nov 03, 2022 @  04:00:PM  —  05:45:PM MST

For the past two years, we have all experienced unprecedented levels of stress. It has been particularly challenging for those of us in service-based businesses/careers. As caregivers, we need to prioritize our own self care in the face of stressed-out clientele. In this talk, learn how to spot the signs of runaway stress -- both for yourself and those you serve. Walk away with a tool kit of stress management techniques to use that are fast, easy, and effective.

Mindful Yoga Chair Stretching for Mental & Physical Release
Mindful Yoga Chair Stretching for Mental & Physical Release
Thursday Nov 03, 2022 @  04:00:PM  —  05:45:PM MST

De-stress, feel calmer, move with more ease, clear your mind, and experience positive energy by joining Karla in basic chair yoga stretching movements. Discuss mindfulness, differentiated movements to stretch most major muscle groups, and how to link the mental and physical aspects. Movements can be done at the office/work and at home. All ages and levels welcome! This is simple, effective, good stuff!

Thursday, November 3, 6:00pm-7:45pm
Fill Your Cup First: How to Take Care of #1
Fill Your Cup First: How to Take Care of #1
Thursday Nov 03, 2022 @  06:00:PM  —  07:45:PM MST

This presentation will address the age-old saying of “fill your cup first before filling someone else’s.” In today’s world, there is a recent surge in the need for health coaches, life coaches, personal trainers, instructors -- people trained to help others in their own health journey. As rewarding as this career field is for most, it can take a physical and mental toll—especially when countless hours are spent helping others, and hardly any time is spent on one’s own health. Join Daisha to explore practical strategies for self-care in ALL aspects of deep health (physical, mental, emotional, social, environmental, & existential).

Kick Your Workouts Up to The Next Level with Herbs
Kick Your Workouts Up to The Next Level with Herbs
Thursday Nov 03, 2022 @  06:00:PM  —  07:45:PM MST

More and more athletes are realizing the benefits of adding whole organic high-quality herbs to kick their workouts up to the next level.

Rich in vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, antioxidants, and free radical scavengers these gifts of the earth give your bodies everything they need to boost your workouts.

Kathy & Madalyn will share which herbs are perfect for your unique athletic physiology and how to easily incorporate them into your life with tasty teas and food recipes that are easy to make and fit into your busy lifestyles.

Friday, November 4, 4:00pm-5:45pm
There’s No “I” in Earth: Eco-Friendly Tips for Everyday Life
There’s No “I” in Earth: Eco-Friendly Tips for Everyday Life
Friday Nov 04, 2022 @  04:00:PM  —  05:45:PM MST

Climate change is drastically affecting all living beings on Earth and every year we see its implications unfold in new ways. Join Jenny to learn tips on how to be more eco-friendly in your everyday life along with the ways different companies and conveniences are devastating our planet. You will leave with expanded knowledge on the travesties going on under our very eyes along with ways YOU can start making a difference today!

Fascia Release for the Desk Dweller
Fascia Release for the Desk Dweller
Friday Nov 04, 2022 @  04:00:PM  —  05:45:PM MST

Sitting for long periods, whether because of your job, physical limitations, or simple lack of motivation can be a literal pain in the neck. Learn techniques that you can use when sitting at your desk for those days you just can't step away. This class will be interactive with several short activities to get your body moving and your help elevate your spirit. All exercises can be done sitting or standing. This class will have lecture, a lot of movement, and some Q&A at the end. You don't want to miss this one!

Friday, November 4,, 6:00pm-7:45pm
Toxic Overload: What You Need to Know & How to Start Healing
Toxic Overload: What You Need to Know & How to Start Healing
Friday Nov 04, 2022 @  06:00:PM  —  07:45:PM MST

With a dramatic increase in chemical production in the United States, we have also seen an increase in the incidence of conditions like ADHD, autism, cancer, diabetes, and obesity. It's not just a "genetic" concern here. The human body is consumed with toxins and YOU CAN do something to help reduce this toxic overwhelm. Join Stephanie and she educates you and gives you actionable steps toward detoxification of your body and your environment.

SOULfusion Yoga FLOWS
SOULfusion Yoga FLOWS
Friday Nov 04, 2022 @  06:00:PM  —  07:45:PM MST

Join us and leave it all on the mat. Showcasing the heart and soul of the SOULfusion format, Michele & Michelle will be teaching a yoga flow class with a cardio burst mid FLOW! A perfect COMBO!

Saturday, November 5, 9:00am-10:45am
The Why and How of Fasting
The Why and How of Fasting
Saturday Nov 05, 2022 @  09:00:AM  —  10:45:AM MST

Intermittent fasting is currently all the rage, but before you jump onto this latest trend come learn the science, history, benefits, and how to do it right. Mindy and Bruce will uncover the key components to this amazing healing practice and how to use it safely and effectively for you and your clients.

Yoga Nidra for Physical Healing
Yoga Nidra for Physical Healing
Saturday Nov 05, 2022 @  09:00:AM  —  10:45:AM MST

Activate the natural inner healing mechanisms in the body. Experience a soothing Yoga Nidra practice that will leave you feeling rejuvenated, focused, and relaxed.

Saturday, November 5, 11:00am-12:45pm
Meditation, Breathing Techniques, & Creating a Spiritual Practice
Meditation, Breathing Techniques, & Creating a Spiritual Practice
Saturday Nov 05, 2022 @  11:00:AM  —  12:45:PM MST

Many people have experienced what some have called the "Zone", "flow state", "spiritual experiences", and/or "awakening experiences", but to realize this state and abide in this state are two completely different things. Anyone can start a spiritual practice that works that muscle at any point in their journey. Scientifically, now we can see that this is not only possible, but many are experiencing these brain "waves" and states more frequently. To experience pure consciousness and the clarity and peace it brings is the greatest gift of all. The work is to undo all that is untrue in us, the trauma and imprints that are still intact in our nervous system, and free ourselves to experience more harmony, health, and peace in our lives. This is done with a spiritual practice.

Join Luke to learn a variety of breathing, meditation, and spiritual practice techniques that will include a personalized action plan. Design a REAL plan using your own schedule that ensures you have the blocked time and commitment you need. Nothing is real until it is scheduled! And nothing is attained until it is practiced! The session will also include breakout rooms for practicing different techniques to keep it personal and customized to YOU.

Sensory-Based Balance Training
Sensory-Based Balance Training
Saturday Nov 05, 2022 @  11:00:AM  —  12:45:PM MST

The seemingly simple task of balancing on one leg or walking across the room is actually a complex, integrated, multi-sensory experience with stimulation coming from the eyes, ears, joints, and plantar foot. Join Dr Emily to experience sensory stacked exercises that will improve body perception, balance and movement in all clients. Explore the concept of sensory stacking, multisensory integration and sensory conflict training.

Saturday, November 5, 1:00pm-2:00pm
Cooking Demo & Lunch-Stephanie Kreun & Janice Jaicks
Cooking Demo & Lunch-Stephanie Kreun & Janice Jaicks
Saturday Nov 05, 2022 @  01:00:PM  —  02:00:PM MST

Join us as we test your knowledge in the world of nutrition as well as in the kitchen. How can you begin nutritional upgrades in your current "eating program" (looking for a word/words... diet, foodie life...??) that begin to stack up and create massive shifts and changes. Your "on the go "snacks" your meal prep and meal planning, whatever that might mean to you. Healthy, sound, REAL food to sustain you and your family's longevity. THEN, we will use some creative tips, tricks and kitchen hacks to actually make something together in this session!

Saturday, November 5, 2:15pm-4:00pm
Revealing Happiness: Journaling & Vision Boarding to Move Toward Your Best …
Revealing Happiness: Journaling & Vision Boarding to Move Toward Your Best …
Saturday Nov 05, 2022 @  02:15:PM  —  04:00:PM MST

What do you want more of in your life? Join us for a journey into the self as we guide you through a process to reveal your “best self & life” goals. Journaling will help you to create a digital vision board that you can use as inspiration and motivation to move in the direction of your dreams. 

Barre, Breath, and Body Gratitude
Barre, Breath, and Body Gratitude
Saturday Nov 05, 2022 @  02:15:PM  —  04:00:PM MST

Explore the wonder of your body in motion and at rest through this full-circle movement and meditation experience. A full body barre workout will bring your muscles to mind as you experience the grace under pressure that comes with muscular endurance. Then, move into an extended guided relaxation and gratitude practice for your body's many abilities.

Saturday, November 5, 4:00pm-4:30pm
Frequencies for Reflection
Frequencies for Reflection
Saturday Nov 05, 2022 @  04:00:PM  —  04:30:PM MST

Sound Master Kristi Anderson's intention is to wrap you in a warm, nurturing cocoon of frequency. This cocoon of frequency will support you as you integrate, digest, and embody the feelings, messages, and understandings of this beautiful retreat. You will carry these nurturing, supportive frequencies in each of your cells for up to 72 hours. This will allow you to continue your integration long after we say, “Until next time.” All you need to do is close your eyes, breath deep, and connect with those frequencies.