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Helen Artis | |
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Welcome to the registration page for the Division of Child Development and Early Education's Child Care January - December Pre-licensing Workshops! These workshops are required as a prerequisite for opening a child care center, child care center located in a residence, or family child care home. The workshops are designed to help potential child care providers understand the child care requirements (including North Carolina General Statutes and Child Care Rules) surrounding licensed child care in North Carolina. The start time for each workshop is 9:30 a.m. and will end at approximately 3:30 p.m.
Please note the menu option at the top left-hand side of your screen (the three (3) horizontal line icon). In this menu option you will find Lead Consultant information and links to register for either a Child Care Center Pre-licensing Workshop or a Family Child Care Home Pre-licensing Workshop. Clicking back on "Overview" brings you back to this page.
Below you will find descriptions for each of the pre-licensing workshop types. The descriptions of the different child care arrangements are meant to help you determine which type of child care facility you would like to pursue opening. If you have any questions about which type of child care arrangement would be a best fit for you, please email and we will be more than happy to assist!