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Benefits Captive Solution: An Innovative Approach to Attracting and Retaining Talent
Organizations who innovate, adapt, and drive improvement in employee benefits do a better job attracting and retaining talent, have higher employee engagement, and often reduce their health care costs based on their data-driven choices.
Constant changes in the healthcare system create uncertainties for businesses regarding insurance costs and premiums. However, employers considering a move away from a fully insured health plan may be concerned about how to stabilize finances while offering a robust provider network for their employees.
M3 invites you to explore how an employee benefits group captive could provide a solution to this challenge. We’re here to answer your questions, and provide insight into how the captive model can allow your organization to stabilize costs and embrace data-driven solutions.
Key Takeaways
Tuesday, May 2, 2023
Check-In: 3:00 pm
Session: 3:15 - 4:15 pm
Networking: 4:15 - 5:00 pm
The Stella Hotel
The Card Room
5706 8th Avenue
Kenosha, WI 53140
Featured Speaker
Jason Nordby, Director of Employee Benefits Captive Practice, M3 Insurance
5/2 Benefit Captive Solution: An Innovative Approach to Attracting and Reta …
5/2 Benefit Captive Solution: An Innovative Approach to Attracting and Reta …
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