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Pre-symposium - Ala Carte Course prices vary check registration items for prices
Symposium -
Early Registration Fee - $250
Registration Fee $275 (August 1 - October 14)
Late Registration - $300 (October 15 - November 13)
Day of event - $325
Lodging - Book your rooms at the event rate The Hotel Captain Cook
What's New -
1) This year a Lunch buffet is included with Symposium Registration.
2) Attend what sessions you want. You will not need to select your sessions at registration. (Must adhere to attendance policy to earn CEUs)
3) Single-day attendee admission is available for all 3 days of the Symposium Event
*Southern Region EMS Council is an approved CE provider through the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services Office of EMS under 7AAC 26.115
**Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number 15866, for contact hours. (only sessions identified as BRN approved will be awarded Nursing CEUs)
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