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Oregon Statewide Transition Conference 2024
Please sign in to access your itinerary, materials and links to all your sessions.
Accommodation request deadline is February 14, 2024. We cannot guarantee accommodations after that date.
If you register for the conference after Feb. 14, 2024 we cannot guarantee your accommodations request.
The Oregon Statewide Transition Conference (OSTC) provides attendees an opportunity to learn, network, and share innovative approaches regarding transition practices in Oregon.
This conference is in partnership with Oregon Department of Education, Oregon Association of Vocational Support Needs Personnel, Oregon Vocational Rehabilitation, and Oregon Youth Transition Program.
We pledge to uphold diversity, equity and inclusion, to support all of our members, volunteers and staff as well as attendees, presenters and students with disabilities that we serve, especially those differentially impacted by systemic racism.