Primary Contact: | |
Holle Spessard | |
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Southern MN CommUNITY DCD conference
Registration cost is $40
October 5th - 5-8pm - Keynote: Active Learning Spaces with Ann Mayes, from MDE and
Supper provided at Comfort Inn on Commerce Drive in North Mankato (meeting room)
October 6th 8-2:45 - Behavior/ Task Analysis, Building Data Collection Systems, Exploring and creating Task Boxes for Students
Morning snack and Lunch provided in SCSC conference room A
There is a block of rooms reserved for discount pricing at the Comfort Inn - 2000 Commerce Drive North Mankato, MN 56003 for the evening of Oct 5th
A Link to our event flyer: Southern MN CommUNITY DCD Conference
- AV Available - Wi-Fi |
Thursday evening
Thursday evening
18/40 LEFT | FREE! | |
registration for this event has no additional cost. Included with main event registration we just need numbers for dinner. Thank you. |