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Call For Science: The 2024 Bridge 2AI Voice Symposium
Poster Competition
The Bridge 2AI Voice Symposium is more than a conference; it is an interactive and collaborative effort between three integral aspects of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) including people, ethics, and data. Submit your groundbreaking work for consideration to be a part of the 2024 Bridge 2AI Voice Symposium. Come join a global network of pioneers and collaborate with patients, scientists, clinicians, and industry. You play a pivotal role in shaping the future of AI and ML. We will see you in sunny Tampa Florida May 1st and 2nd 2024.
Important dates:
Symposium Dates: May 1-2nd 2024
Poster Submissions open: December 15th 2023
Submission Deadline: February 12th, 2024
Selection of Participation Notifications: March 15th 2024
Topic Areas for Submission:
We invite proposals for posters (one submission per author) on topics including:
Topic Area 1: How will voice biomarkers help patient outcomes and access to care in the next 10 years? Subjects can include specific disorders, public health, health policy and organization, accessibility, diagnosis, prognosis. Proposals can target clinician workflow, home health, virtual screening etc. The focus should be on tangible solutions rather than broad ideas. Current projects or new projects/ideas can be included.
Topic Area 2: What is a current technological and/or methodological barrier to implementing voice AI in clinical practice that can be reasonably overcome in the next 10 years? Subjects can include optimizing machine learning for voice data or identification of explicit and implicit biases in current clinical practice that could be exacerbated by voice AI. Topics should address mitigation strategies or systematic approaches to overcome these challenges.
Topic Area 3: How can we build trust and transparency in voice AI, ensuring that it is used in responsible and effective ways to improve health outcomes and transform healthcare? Practical solutions presented can cover: methods to promote data privacy and security while fostering data sharing for research innovation, respect of patients’ rights, consideration of biases and unintended consequences, and establishment of a clear and consistent legal framework for voice AI in healthcare.
Topic Area 4: What is the role of different groups in building trust (developers, researchers, industry, communities, implementers, etc.)? Projects can highlight barriers and facilitators to trust in AI.
Poster Competition Guidelines
The goals of this poster session are to:
You will have the opportunity to present your work or project to other stakeholders and experts attending the symposium. Posters can present completed projects or solutions to pressing questions in Voice AI. Please indicate on your abstract PDF the Topic Area that your poster represents and whether your paper is eligible for the student award.
The criteria for student award participation are:
1) The first author is a student, i.e., registered as a Bachelors/Masters/PhD student
2) The first author presents their presentation or poster in person at the conference
3) The majority of the work presented has been done by the author/student.
There will be one winner for each of the 4 topic areas. Submitted works will be judged by community representatives as well as experts in the topic areas on:
•methodological quality (either from prior work or proposed work), and d) obtained preliminary findings (if available).
The winners will be featured in Voice AI Symposium post-event communications and social media. Each topic area winner will also be awarded a $250 prize.
Specifications and submission details:
•There is no submission fee. Initial application requires an abstract for submission and completed application form. A complete poster does not need to be submitted during initial application. If abstract is accepted, a digital poster will need to be completed by April 15th.
•Posters should include: an introduction stating its relevance to improving human health, approach taken, preliminary findings (if available), conclusion, and future direction of your work.
•Maximum character count per abstract submission is 1900 characters, NOT including spaces. If you choose to add an image or table to your abstract submission, it will count as 600 characters towards the total 1,900 characters that are allowed.
•There is no word limit for the actual poster submission. Please include the title, all authors, and their affiliations at the top of your poster. Designate the presenter’s name in bold within the author block.
•Please do not use all capitals. Use of bullet points and numbering is encouraged. Feel free to refer to these guidelines as an additional resource:
•Presenters will be responsible for printing their own posters (24” x 36”, portrait or vertical orientation). Local vendor options for poster printing will be shared upon acceptance of poster submissions.
•All posters will be presented in person. There will be no virtual option for this symposium, but a digital version of your poster will need to be submitted via the online portal by April 15th, 2024.
•Please clearly designate who will present at the event in your online submission
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