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CU Training Night-Northern Utah
Join Heather Line for a discussion about what happens after the credit union files Currency Transaction Reports and Suspicious Activity Reports. The credit union spends a lot of time and money getting these BSA-related reports correct. The big question is: Does anyone really look at these reports? The good news is that they do. There have been numerous crimes identified due to required BSA reporting. Law enforcement relies on reports filed by financial institutions to aid them in criminal investigations.
**Although this evening can be part of required BSA training, both credit union employees and volunteers will need additional training to meet BSA training requirements. No worries! Heather will be providing links to online training that can fulfill this obligation.
Dinner will be at the Timbermine in Ogden, UT
Dinner starts at 6:30 PM.
*We do not need individual names for this event. Select the number of meals required for your group.