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Jessica Jamanca | |
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AP Students,
AP Summit is an opportunity for you to have intensive review sessions prior to your AP exams with teachers and students across YES Prep district. A qualifying score in your AP exam can earn you college credit at no cost.
There will be 2 different sessions offered on two different Saturdays in April. This registration is for the April 20 sessions at North Central.
Session Details
Both sessions will be held from 8:30am to 12:40 pm.
Important Logistical Information
Each AP Summit day will consist of 3, 75-minute blocks. You can sign up for one session each block for a total of 3 sessions. Sessions offered each block will vary, please look at the schedule and description of the sessions in the AP Schoology course for more detailed information. Sessions are also capped at 28 students, so please sign up for your sessions as soon as possible to guarantee a spot. If there is a block you won't be attending a session, you are welcome to register for the "study hall" session during that block and hang out at study hall.
If you would like to attend additional sessions, you can also register for the April 27th AP Summit day at Southwest.
During the event, you will take part in intensive review and practice sessions taught by AP teachers from across YES Prep. Each review session targets the most important concepts from the curriculum, covers questions from previous AP exams, and provide you with tips on the exams.
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