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(Rescheduled from August 20th event.)
The NSF National Center for Atmospheric Research invites you to a conversation on supercomputers!
We invite you to join us for a virtual NSF NCAR Explorer Series conversation, “Deep dive into the heart of the Derecho supercomputer” on Wednesday, October 16 from 1:30-2:30 pm (MT).
This event will be a live virtual webcast! Conversation events are more informal compared to traditional lectures, and typically do not rely on slides. Rather, they are a discussion between our moderator and scientists with audience questions throughout. Please register to receive the webcast link and email reminders.
Research Abstract
Have you ever looked inside a supercomputer? Join a guided tour inside Derecho, NSF NCAR's newest supercomputer! We will dive deep into the heart of the machine, exploring the processors, memory, and specialized components that keep it running cool and communicating. You'll see firsthand how thousands of these nodes working together form the Derecho supercomputer.
In their Explorer Series Conversation, join NSF NCAR Systems Engineer Jenett Tillotson and Hewlett Packard Enterprises Systems Engineer Connor Scott as we examine the brains of the supercomputer that empowers the research of NSF NCAR.
Free public event for ages 12+
For more information and to watch archived lectures, visit the NCAR Explorer Series webpage.
We look forward to seeing you there!