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MPAS-Atmosphere and MPAS-JEDI Tutorials
Fall 2024
The Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology (MMM) Laboratory of the NSF National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) and Howard University will be hosting an in-person tutorial on the Model for Prediction Across Scales – Atmosphere (MPAS-A), followed by a tutorial covering the use of MPAS-A with the Joint Effort for Data assimilation Integration (JEDI) system. The tutorials will take place on the campus of Howard University, Washington DC, during the week of September 30 - October 4:
MPAS-A tutorial on September 30 – 2 October (Monday – Wednesday), and
MPAS-JEDI tutorial on 3 – 4 October (Thursday – Friday).
The portion of the tutorial covering MPAS-JEDI and JEDI is planned and conducted together with the Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation, the lead developers of JEDI.
The tutorials will consist of lectures, and practical sessions where participants will gain experience building, configuring and running the MPAS-Atmosphere model and MPAS-JEDI code. There will be no online/virtual component for these tutorials.
The primary audience for these tutorials is new or beginning users of MPAS-Atmosphere and/or MPAS-JEDI. Basic knowledge of atmospheric science and numerical modeling, as well as experience working within a Unix computing environment, is required for these tutorials.
The MPAS-A tutorial will cover the basics of how to set-up, run, and post-process stand-alone MPAS-A simulations. Topics that will be covered will include:
Horizontal (uniform and variable resolution) mesh configuration
Global and regional configurations
Real-data and idealized case initialization
MPAS-A dynamical solver and numerical methods
MPAS-A physics
Software framework and MPAS infrastructure
Post-processing tools
MPAS-JEDI is the global-/regional-unified data assimilation system for MPAS-A based upon the Joint Effort for Data assimilation Integration. The MPAS-JEDI tutorial will cover the following topics with instructional lectures and hands-on practicals:
MPAS-JEDI data assimilation software build and test
Deterministic and ensemble data assimilation algorithms and configurations
Preprocessing and assimilation settings of observations
Global and regional applications
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